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- Personal Injury -

  Articles & Publications By Sally A. Roberts





O A Ban on Alcohol for Minors at House Parties
O About Personal Injuries & Lawsuits
O Abuse of Process 
O Abutting Property Owner 
O Actual Notice of Hazardous Conditions 
O Additur & Remittitur 
O Agency, Vicarious Liability & the Doctrine of Respondeat Superior
O Allergies & Peculiar Susceptibility: Implied & Express Warranties 
O Apportionment 
O Attorney-Client Privilege in Connecticut
O Biomechanical Engineer Testimony in a Low-Impact Collision Case 
O Building Codes & Fire Codes 
O Charitable Immunity 
O Common Carriers: A Higher Duty of Care Imposed upon Common Carriers 
O Compensability of Injuries Sustained by an Employee 
O Condominium Slip & Fall Cases 
O Confidentiality of Psychiatric Communications
O Connecticut’s Personnel File Statute
O Construction Site Injuries 
O Constructive Notice of Hazardous Conditions 
O Dead Man’s Statute 
O Defamation – Libel and Slander Actions
O Defective Highway Statute 
O Defects in Stairways & Steps
O Distinction between Sovereign Immunity & Governmental Immunity
O Doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur
O Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity: The King can do no Wrong
O Dog Bite Statute 
O Duty of Care & Foreseeability 
O Duty of Care Owed by Possessor of Land 
O e-Briefs in E-Z Steps: Paradigm Shift in Electronic Filing 
O Economic Damages for Personal Injuries 
O Eggshell Plaintiff Doctrine: Taking the Victim as you Find Him 
O Exclusivity of Workers’ Compensation Act 
O Expert Testimony in a Premises Liability Case 
O Expert Witness Disclosure Rules Change Dramatically 
O Falling Merchandise 
O Falling Tree Limbs 
O Familial Immunity Doctrines – Sibling, Spousal & Grandparent Immunitie
O Firefighters & Fire Trucks on Interstate 95 
O Firefighters' Rule 
O Firehouse Rented to Private Individuals a Proprietary Function 
O Fireman’s Indemnification Statute: Conn. Gen. Stat. § 7-308 
O Food Poisoning Cases in Connecticut 
O Freedom of the Press 
O Good Samaritan Law 
O Hedonic Damages for the Loss of Enjoyment of Life 
O Ice & Snow Slip & Fall Injuries 
O Inadequate Security Cases
O Indemnification against a Municipality
O Infliction of Emotional Distress
O Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
O Invasion of Privacy
O Invisible Injuries - Traumatic Brain Injuries, PTSD & Depression 
O Known Dangers & Duty to Warn unusually Susceptible Plaintiff  
O LASIK and Laser Vision Enhancement Surgery 
O Lemon Law Arbitration Awards - Review by Trial Court
O Lettuce Leaf on Floor Slip & Fall Injuries 
O Loss of Consortium and its Development in Connecticut 
O Loss of Parental Consortium 
O Malicious Prosecution 
O Mandatory Arbitration in Connecticut Courts 
O Minibikes & Manhole Covers 
O Motorcycle & Minibike Injuries 
O Mountain Bike Trail Maintenance a Discretionary Governmental Act 
O Municipal Liability & Immunity After Considine v. City of Waterbury 
O Municipal Premises Liability & Immunity under CGS § 52-557n
O Municipality May Shift Liability for Snow & Ice on Public Sidewalk 
O Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress
O Nondelegable Duty Doctrine 
O Notice on the 92nd Day 
O Nuisance Cause of Action 
O Parameters of a Highway Defect 
O Parental Immunity Doctrine 
O Parental Liability for Torts of Minors 
O Parking Lot Cases of Negligent Security/Supervision 
O Peril of Puddles, Municipal Liability 
O Personal Injury FAQs
O Personal Injury Tort Law - Generally
O Postman a Licensee Comparable to a Social Invitee 
O Premises Liability in the Landlord-Tenant Context 
O Process of "Process" 
O Pseudonymous Parties in Connecticut: Meet John & Jane Doe
O Railroad Track & Trestle Injuries 
O Recreational Use Statute
O Riparian Rights in Nonnavigable Waters 
O Sending the Jury Back 
O Similar Prior Accidents 
O Ski Tort Liability 
O Slip & Fall Injuries at Indian Casinos 
O Snowmobile & All-Terrain Vehicle Injuries 
O Social Guests:  Standard of Care Owed to a Social Invitee
O Sole Proximate Cause Doctrine
O Specific Defect Doctrine in Premises Liability Case 
O Spoliation of Evidence: Connecticut’s New Tort
O Spousal Privileges:  “Honey, the Judge Says We’re History!”
O Storm in Progress, or On-Going Storm Doctrine 
O Strict Liability in Tort to Allergic Users 
O Subsequent Remedial Measures 
O Supermarket Slip & Fall Cases 
O Superseding Cause 
O Testimony of Property Damage Appraiser
O The First Amendment Conflict and Roman Catholic Clergy 
O The New House Party Law 
O The Rescue Doctrine - Danger Invites Rescue 
O The Unsealing of Connecticut’s Courthouse Doors: The Role of the Fourth Estate
O The Vexing Matter of Vexatious Litigation
O Trees & the Law 
O Trip & Fall and Slip & Fall Injuries 
O Venue & Jurisdiction
O Vicarious Liability of Car Owners & Lessors
O When Are Hospitals Liable for a Doctor’s Error 
O Work Product Privilege in Connecticut
O Wrongful Death Statute & Survival of Civil Actions Statute 




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