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- Police Misconduct -

Articles & Publications By Sally A. Roberts



Anatomy of a Civil Rights Action
Assault & Battery
Civil Rights Liability of a Municipality
Civil Rights Actions: What Can I Do if the Government Violates my Civil Rights? 
Contempt of Cop - Flunking the Attitude Test
Constitutional Duty to Preserve Evidence
Constitutional Restrictions on the Use of Deadly Force
Difference between Assault & Battery
Discovery of Police Personnel Files

Do hang-up 911 calls provide sufficient exigency?

Duty to Disclose or Act upon Exculpatory Evidence
Duty to Provide Reasonable Medical Care to Jailee
Excessive Force under Section 1983
Failure of a Police Officer to Intervene
False Arrest & Malicious Prosecution
Federalism & Actions for Violation of the Connecticut Constitution
Impoundment & Towing
Jail Suicides
Negligence during Police Emergencies
Police Dog Bite Cases
Police Duty to Protect Property in their Custody
Prosecutorial Immunity
Reasonable Force during Arrest
What is a Search?
What is a Seizure?





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