Connecticut River Journey, 100 miles in
3 days
to Shutterfly Album
Although Hartford is about 45 miles from
the mouth of the Connecticut River as
the crow flies, it is about 53 miles as
the river winds. On each day’s segment,
I paddled back to the Put In so it
doubled the distance.
Day 1:
Lieutenant River launch, paddle down to
Saybrook Light, up to Gillette Castle,
back to Lieutenant River (30
Day 2:
Harbor Park, Middletown launch, paddle
down to Gillette Castle & back to Harbor
Park (34 miles) .... break
for 2 days
to bad weather (rain and gale force
winds) ....
Day 3:
Harbor Park, Middletown launch, paddle
up to Harford and back to Harbor Park
(36 miles)
I launched before sunrise,
wearing my headlamp and also used a glow
stick under the deck bungee cords. On
Day 1 when it drizzled, and especially
on Day 2, a blanket of fog rolled in
that was so thick I literally could not
see beyond the bow of my boat and
paddled for miles navigating by compass
bearings alone. It was duck hunting
season, so I stayed out of the coves and
marshes. I heard gun shots ring out
frequently. I encountered a number of
duck hunters at the Lieutenant River
launch. I explained that with my
plum-colored dry suit, I didn't think I
looked like any known North American
duck. However (& I didn't tell the
hunters this!), my boat is a Valley Anas
Acuta, which is the Latin name for the
Northern Pintail duck. The color of my
boat is anchusia (forget-me-knot) blue,
and the only duck that it has any
resemblance to is the Blue-Winged Teal
(wing scapulars). The several photos of
a duck show the Northern Pintail.
I had too many miles to cover to stop to
take photos, although three are mine.
The photos do depict my journey,
although cribbed from elsewhere.
Hope you enjoy the photos of
my Adventure!
Link to Shutterfly Album
